EPC rating band d
The epc rating band d is the average epc rating of all properties in the UK. The actual average number is a D60. So if you’re in this rating, you’re not doing badly but there is room for improvement. For further information about the EPC check out our EPC Milton Keynes page.
Here is the list of all the potential ratings of properties and their rating bands:
Band A: 92+
Band B: 81-91
Band C: 69-80
Band D: 55-68
Band E: 39-54
Band F: 21-38
Band G: 1-20
The higher the band the more energy efficient the building is and the lower will be the running costs. Properties built after 1982 would usually have a better energy efficiency as more energy saving improvements would already be built into the property from new, such as adequate insulation, good heating system and heating controls. These types of properties are likely to rate higher than a D60.
What you can do to improve the rating
If you have an epc that is rated band D and you want to improve it, follow the improvements that are listed on the epc. Usually improvements to the heating or insulation will show the biggest improvements.
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard
The MEES regulations require all rented properties to achieve a minimum energy rating of an E39. This is likely to be raised to a minimum of a D within a few years as the Government increases their drive for lower carbon emissions in buildings. If your EPC is rated F or G, then you are going to have to carry out energy saving improments, so that the property can legally be let.